Christine Hayes, SCA
PO Box 90
6604 State Route 8
Brant Lake, NY 12815
Phone: (518) 494-4198
Fax: (518) 494-5240
Public Office hours:
Monday & Wednesday 9am - 2pm

Christine Hayes, SCA
Warren County Link: Current Assessment Roll
Assessment Facts:
Number of parcels: 2658
Total Assessment: $855,710,619
Level of Assessment: 2023 is 98%
School Districts within the borders of the Town of Horicon: North Warren Central, Warrensburg Central and Bolton Central
Dates to Remember:
March 1st – Taxable Status Day (Exemption filing deadline and status of completion or condition of real property)
May 1st – Tentative Assessment Roll filed annually
Grievance Day – 4th Tuesday in May
July 1st – Final Assessment Roll filed annually and Valuation Date
Common Exemptions:
Be aware that certain exemptions apply to the School Tax Bill and others apply to the Town and County Tax Bill.
BASIC STaR (School Tax Relief): any age, income less than 500K, must be primary residence. Register with NYSDTF.
ENHANCED STaR (School Tax Relief): 65 years of age or older, during the year of applying, income less than $92,000. and property must be primary residence. New rules are in place, please contact our office for further information.
AGED (SENIOR): 65 years of age or older by March 1st of year applying, annual income from all sources must be less than $37,400. AND property must be your primary residence.
VETERANS: Wartime and Cold War periods can apply. Additional for disability status. Served in a branch of the Armed Forces and honorably discharged, and must be primary residence. Copy of DD214 (Service Record) is necessary to process application.
Forms and publications are available in the Assessor's office or can be obtained at the NYS Office of Real Property Tax Services website