Town of Horicon, NY

Zoning & Planning Dept

The Zoning Administrator oversees and enforces the Zoning Law, provides technical assistance to the Planning Board & Zoning Board of Appeals Boards in reviewing applications for development including Subdivisions, Boundary Line Adjustments, Conditional Uses, Site Plan Review and Variance Requests. If you have questions about a project, please contact our office, we will be happy to assist you in the process.

The Town of Horicon does not have a "Building Department" ALL building inspections are done by Warren County Building Code Enforcement. For a final inspection contact Warren County at 518-761-6542

Craig Legett

Craig Leggett

Zoning Administrator

Julie Marinelli

Zoning Clerk and Secretary to ZBA and Planning Board



PO Box 90
6604 State Route 8
Brant Lake, NY 12815
(518) 494-4245
Fax: (518) 494-4245

Normal Office Hours:

Mon - Fri 9:00am to 2:00 pm, or by appointment.

BEFORE building, installing or altering  any type of structure, septic system installation and/or repair, sign, demolition, commercial use, fences, bulkheads, junk, shoreline cutting, clearing of land, docks, decks, boathouse, TRAVEL TRAILER OCCUPANCY, wetlands, flood plain, height of structure, sheds, gazebos, above ground pools,  retaining walls, you must FIRST APPLY for a Zoning Compliance Certificate, (ZCC).

Please talk to someone in the Zoning Office PRIOR to doing any project.  It is ultimately the property owners responsibility to obtain and have knowledge of any and ALL permits that may be required.

The Current Zoning Law and Subdivision Regulations are available by clicking the link(s) below.
A copy of the Zoning Law can be mailed to you for $20.00
A copy of the Subdivision Regulations can be mailed to you for $10.00,

Send a check or money order,  payable to the Town of Horicon, to Krista Wood, Town Clerk, PO Box 90 Brant Lake, NY 12815.

Horicon Zoning Law

Warren County Building Permit (Zoning Compliance Certificate must first be obtained from the Town of Horicon)

APA Jurisdictional Inquiry Form (Adirondack Park Agency)

Planning Board

The Planning Board considers applications for:

Major and Minor Subdivisions,

Conditional Uses,

Site Plan Review,

Boundary Line Adjustments.

Zoning Board of Appeals

The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) considers applications for:

Area Variances,

Use Variances,

Appeals/Interpretation of Determination

Planning Board Meetings:

3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM, unless otherwise noted here.

Schedule: 2025 Planning Board and ZBA Meeting Calendar

Planning Board Meeting: April 16, 2025 @ 6:00 pm


Please Be Aware   The deadline for submittal of application and ALL relevant materials is two (2)  weeks or fourteen (14) calendar days prior to a regularly scheduled meeting. Please plan ahead!



Planning Board Members:

Steve Mullins, Chairman
David Iasevoli
Melanie Fuerst
Philip Smith, Alternate

ZBA Meetings:

4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM (except for the meetings in May and December)

Schedule: 2025 Planning Board and ZBA Meeting Calendar

ZBA Meeting:  Tues., April 22, 2025 at 6:30 pm


Please Be Aware:
Variance Applications usually take three (3) months to complete. The deadline for submittal of the application and ALL relevant materials is two (2) weeks or fourteen (14) calendar days prior to a regularly scheduled meeting. Please plan ahead!

ZBA Members:

Cheryl Erickson, Chairperson
James Dewar
Rich Nawrot
Ross Schoembs
Troy Scripture

Larry Bell, Alternate

Meeting Minutes

Planning Board Minutes




January 21, 2015 Minutes
February 18, 2015 Minutes
March 18 – no meeting
April 22, 2015 Minutes
May 20, 2015 Minutes
June 17, 2015 Minutes
July 15, 2015 no meeting
August 19, 2015 no meeting
September 16, 2015 no meeting
October 21, 2015 no meeting
November 18, 2015 Minutes
December 16, 2015 Minutes

Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Minutes